Wednesday, August 14, 2013

FINALLY!! Skype at the Vukasinovic Household! - August 14, 2013

Skype has been a real asset in my life.  I think most people are pretty 
familiar with this wonderful service that makes staying in touch with family
and friends, worldwide, a real bargain.  I use it constantly wherever I am
throughout the globe.  I have it on my computer and on my mobile phone.

With the arrival of my beautiful granddaughter, Harper Ann on April 14 and
my imminent departure for India on June 3rd, I implored Laura and Alex to 
get Skype so I could keep up with that precious baby's growth and to talk 
to my granddogs as well.  

Well, at his usual snail's pace, it took Alex awhile to buy a webcam and
get Skype.  But, this morning, when I heard that familiar Skype ring at 5AM,
I was so thrilled to see Harper Ann's sweet face and bald head with her dad
and both uncles present.  For some reason, Alex couldn't hear me - though I
turned my volume up to its maximum.  When he flicked a dial on his computer,
it blared, sending poor Harper into a bout of tears.  Papa knew just the 
answer - Laura, who is back at her paramedic job while Alex is now on his
paternity leave, came to the immediate rescue with boobie milk.  Laura 
says she is beginning to feel like a milk cow, she is pumping during lunch
and her breaks at work.  As you can see, Harper Ann fell contentedly asleep,
resting in Daddy's arm.

Harper doesn't know quite what to make of all this "Skype" stuff.

Who is that voice coming from the computer?

That "Nana" person is sure carrying on like crazy!

Maybe I am getting a little tired of this!

Nana, you cut off my head!

Whoops, I've got the droolies!

My goodness, Dad, they could hear Nana down at Target!

What do Dad and Uncle Shawn find so funny?  I can't believe
Mom would leave me with them and Uncle Jeremy!  No wonder
I'm frowning!

Uncle Jeremy says he had shoulder surgery - I think he just
doesn't want to change poopy diapers!

Ah, sleeping like a baby.  That boobie milk does it every
and sound in Dad's arms.


  1. Oh no, using skype is so tiresome.

    1. Oh, rainfield, I love it. I'm calling everyone, including my favorite restaurants at home!!!

  2. Beautiful baby. The last picture is so good.

    1. I still don't have the knack of snapping photos from skype. I seem to cut off parts of the anatomy. Still, Harper is cute, regardless. I love the sleeping pic, too. Alex is really a terrific father. Laura took 3 months maternity leave and Alex started his six weeks paternity leave when she went back to work.

  3. I find skype a godsend for keeping up with my sons and their families, especially now there is another generation. Love it!

    1. I had been on Alex's case for two months to get skype. He had the webcam for two weeks before he finally downloaded we'll see how often I hear from him. The twelve hour time difference makes it a little hard.

  4. How wonderful for you and she is beautiful.

    1. Pat, she is sweet and Taffy, their female dog, is like a little mother. She is constantly beside the baby, watching her every move.

  5. She is the most precious little girl I have ever seen,

    1. After those three boys, I am sure you know how delighted I am that there is a girl in the family. She is the sweetest baby...I just hope Alex is good about my Skype visits. I keep wondering how long she will be without hair. Jeremy had none till he was a year old!

  6. What a precious bundle! Good for you that you can see her on skype. Hope your stay at Jaipur will be enjoyable this time too. Have you ever been to Alwar? It is a beautiful little town about 2 hours drive from Jaipur.I enjoyed our 5 years sojourn there very much.Lots of love and good wishes.

    1. There is so much in this area that I missed during my five month sojourn...I need to come back here for a lengthy stay again. I would love to see Alwar and Jaisalmer and Udaipur and Pushcar....the list is endless. India is full of treasures.

  7. I loved this post, Carmen. Miss Harper Ann is so beautiful and getting big! What a sweetheart.

    Glad you have Skype at last. The next time she sees you in person, Harper will know exactly who you are! Yeah.

    xo jj

  8. She is getting big, and very adorable! I hope you stay well and have a great time there!

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