Wednesday, February 03, 2016

The Video of the 173rd Basic Academy of the Oakland ( CA ) Police Department - February 3, 2016

My middle son, Alex Vukasinovic, graduated from six months of training at the Oakland Police Department on January 8, 2016.  I've never seen him more dedicated to completing anything.  It was especially difficult because Oakland is eighty miles from his West Sacramento home.  He had to go from being a very hands on father to studying for hours, commuting, often staying overnight at his older brother's home, when there were late night commitments.

He did it, though, and we were so thrilled on graduation day.
I saw this video at graduation but, in the excitement of the occasion, with family around, laughter and glee, it didn't impact me as it did just now, watching it alone.  I have to admit, I shed a few tears.
Congratulations to all you young men and women who made it through, even the experience of being tasered and tear gassed.  I pray you absorbed all you needed to make you the best officers possible.  Even more so, I ask God or the gods, depending on your beliefs, to always have your backs, your
fronts and each other.

Again, Alex, I can't tell you how proud I am of you - as I am of Shawn and Jeremy, too.

Well, I tried to embed the video on my blog ( Oakland PD allows it ) but, somehow, I couldn't figure it out.  I guess I should have consulted my brilliant Indian IT professional,
Shiju Sugunan.

At any rate, I'll just post the link and you can see it that way.  It's on the Oakland PD Facebook site, on the left side of the page as you view it, under video.  I see Alex several times in the film...with his "Vukasinovic" sprawled across his back on this sweat shirt or work out gear.

If you watch it, say a little prayer for these young officers, that they make it to retirement, without mishap, and put a lot of bad guys away.

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