Friday, June 18, 2010

Bedtime - Brenda Photo Challenge - June 19, 2010, Starring Taffy & Bucky

Well, this was a little difficult for me.  I thought of sneaking upstairs and getting a picture of Jeremy, my 6'4" son, but he sleeps sprawled all over the bed and that might have been difficult.  Besides, at 25, he's not all that cooperative about my blog photos.  You would think he was a movie star or something, the way he acts when I come around with my camera.  I'm sure Brad Pitt's mother doesn't get the hand out in front of his face when she is trying to capture him for her digital records.  I also considered having Jeremy get my bedtime picture but that isn't really a pretty sight, either - me in sweat pants and sweat shirt ( hey, it gets down to the low 60's here at night ), with my CPAP machine on, looking like an alien from a far away galaxy.

Finally, I remembered my sweet, loving granddogs, Taffy and Bucky, who never mind having their pictures taken, when I go up to West Sacramento to see them and their parents, my son, Alex, and his beautiful, wonderful, brilliant wife, Laura.  They finally got married May 7th.  I haven't seen them since the big event but I must get up there soon.  I'm just waiting for my injured leg to heal since it is still uncomfortable to walk and even drive!

Usually, when I visit, the doggies sleep with me.  Of course, Laura and Alex have to shut their door or my granddogs will always sleep with them in their big California king bed, rather than my twin bed.  I remembered taking some pictures last time I was there, where they were already on my bed asleep ( no room left for me! ).  I had to wake them up, get in bed first, then they jumped on the bed and adjusted themselves to me. 

I am participating in the The Brenda Photo Challenge - Bedtime


  1. Taffy and Bucky look so sweet sleeping next to each other like that. You and those two dogs in a twin size bed must be a tight squeeze. It reminds me of the two chocolate labs I used to have. They always thought they had to sleep in my bed. It wasn't bad until the one would stretch his legs out and push me

  2. My daughter won't even let me take her photo. once I posted an old photo, she deleted it.

    Now I bribe my son aged 13. some times he makes a face and I can't use the photo.

    May be I should get a dog like you.

  3. Wow,nice, one of the best read posts so far.

  4. Funny post and nice shots of those cute guys! :-)

  5. Funny post and nice pics of those cute guys! :-)

  6. Nothing cuter than kids or pets!! I Love these Carmen!! They are Really getting a good sleep!!Hahaa
    Happy weekend!

  7. Such gorgeous Granddogs. I have enough of a challenge with 16 pound Zebbycat and aueen sized bed (Zeb claims it is all his, he just warms up a wee spot for me!!).

    This is a lovely post - I hope your Shawn has somewhere comfy to sleep just now.

    With love and huggles from me, and purring/snoring and sneezles* from Zebbycat from under his comforter,

    Michelle xxx

    (* leftover from a virus or something he had before we adopted each other 4 years ago - he also snores and sometimes snorts, my darling purrball. Prefered to his occasional "wakeup wack Mickle in the face" - you can tell he's a boy, right?)

  8. Aw, Carmen they are so precious and what fantastic shots.

  9. Ah big dogs at rest! Bliss!

  10. There are few things as adorable as sleeping pooches! They look like they are investing in some serious snooze time. Thank you for a smile this afternoon! One of those pooches looks like a Belgian Malinois, which was the type of my dear departed Buddy.

  11. Your grandpuppies sure are cute at bedtime! Super shot!!

  12. I'm a sucker for dogs cuddling. These shots are the best!

  13. You rock , woman- I love this, and every single thing coming from you... your bright soul!


  14. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Perfect! Sweet dreams. :)

  15. they are resting so well!

    happy weekend carmen =)

  16. Aw, they look so comfortable. Great shots and perfect for the challenge.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

    Through Squirrel Eyes

  17. They are so sweet and I've had a good laugh atyour description of your son!
