Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dos Hollands Delight San Francisco Fans!

What a great evening we had last night.  It was just like old times at Cafe Divine in San Francisco's North Beach.  Our beloved jazz diva, Sony Holland, and her songwriter, guitarist husband, Jerry Holland, performed for two hours to a totally packed house of her long time fans and friends.  The mood was boisterous as Sony sang old favorites and some new songs Jerry has written since the couple's move to Los Angeles.  Not only do we miss having the Hollands
in San Francisco where they performed almost weekly, we miss seeing each other on a regular basis!

Here are a few pictures of our evening which, in addition to great music, involved good food and wine!

Beautiful Sony

My friend and former co-worker, Kris Bleything and me

Cafe Divine, showing good music, good food and good wine

Jerry Holland, who writes incredible music and lyrics and plays a mean guitar

Jo ( Poetic Shutterbug ) and her cousin, Elise - a bit blurry, for some reason - still pretty

Donna Watkins

Nancy and Jim

Wade of Cafe Divine

Some serious singing!

Carmen and Jennifer

Cafe Divine's famous lamb shank

Carmen, eating cave man style!

Here's what you missed by not being at Cafe Divine with us on Friday night!


  1. Oh, what fun you all had. I would have loved to have some of the lamb shank. I think the one thing I miss about living in the city are outings such as this one with good friends, good music and good food.

    Great photos!

  2. Carmen, looks like a fun event and wonderful good time!

  3. Didn't we have a fantastic time Carmen and what great shots. I love that At Last Video at the San Jose Jazz Fest. It was so awesome to see and hear her in person that day. As for the food, I can't believe you at the whole thing :D Sone and Jelly were amazing to say the least.

  4. Poetic Shutterbug - It was a great evening. I loved seeing the place completely packed like it was...but it just reinforced how much we lost when Sone and Jelly left - not only do we not have them but we lost our gatherings of so many good friends. By the way, only about half my photos came out! The others were so blurry, I had to delete them. The auto setting is really wierd, it cuts off about half the shot. I think I've dropped my camera one time too many - and no money for another one.

  5. Mountain Woman - I know what you mean. Now that I've retired, with that $90,000/year drop in income, I'm going to have to move soon! Even going up to Sacramento, where my middle son lives, would be such a big change for me. Prices are much lower and, while it's the capital and certainly not the country, it doesn't have all the places I love and all my friends are here.

  6. Icy BC - we did have the most joyful time. It left us feeling all aglow and we laughed so much, in between songs.

  7. Wow, does she have a great voice! Thanks for sharing your evening and your friends with us.

  8. always such fun to go out with friends AND get to experience great music, too!! you lucky lady!

  9. You...YOU really know how to enjoy yoursself my lady! Oh that lamb.... yummmy yummy!

    thanks for sharing part of your lovely moments in life with us

  10. hahaha, enjoyed all your pictures Carmen, like what they say, you surely do know how to enjoy life, am so happy for you.

  11. When do we get to do that again! Y'all are the BEST fans in the world. Thank you:) xoxo

  12. Tina - so glad you listened to Sony - she is a good friend and I'm so happy to introduce her to others!

  13. Bits-n-Pieces - we have so much great entertainment in the Bay area but we were so sad when Sony and Jerry Holland moved to L. A. She was such a good friend. Thankfully, they do get back her, occasionally, to perform and we go down there to see her!

  14. Dulce - I've never had a leg of lamb as good as Cafe Divine's. I always end up ordering the same thing every time I go!

  15. betchai - I do have to say, living in the San Franciso area is fun...plenty to do that doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

  16. ji - thank you so much for the sweet awards...that is so nice of you!
