Monday, February 22, 2010

Yellow Flowers, Butchart Gardens - Mellow Yellow Monday 2 - 22-10

 Yellow Flowers at Butchart Gardens, British Columbia - Mellow Yellow Monday, 2-22-10

 Check out the rules at Mellow Yellow Monday and join in the fun.


  1. I am going there next month, I can hardly wait, thanks for showing the yellow. always makes me smile. take care.

  2. It so good to see flower this morning. We have fresh snow..

  3. very pretty!! I haven't seen the "Mellow Yellow" meme before!

  4. Now that is amazing! Victoria is definately the place to be in B.C. It's an early spring for us as well, but we are a long ways from flowers!

  5. If I have read this in the early morning, I might not have a blue Monday today.

  6. It's hard to believe spring is just around the corner, with a foot of snow, but it is!

  7. it's autumn here......i see lots of fallen leaves on the path......but there it seems spring....these does make one happy.....\,,/

  8. Hi Carmen! Sorry for another long absence, but after a busy start of the year I decided to make a break during the Carnival week, anticipating new hard weeks ahead!!
    Love those gardens!! Was there in August 1993...

    Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is in Haiti. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!

  9. Nice color, it brightens our day.
    Oops, it reminds us that it's already summer.

  10. Hi carmen...those are really pretty!

    btw we might be in sfo this sat but not so sure yet how things will be
